Lorelei Nicoll

Apply now: Seniors Care Grant

As of December 1st, you can now apply for the Seniors Care Grant. This grant provides up to $500 in funding for eligible Nova Scotians aged 65 years and older who need help around their homes. Covered expenses include snow removal, small household repairs, lawn care, grocery delivery and other needs. To qualify, older Nova […]

Movember – shining a light on men’s health

Every November, the Movember charity kicks off its annual advocacy campaign to highlight the important issue of men’s health. On average, men die 5 years earlier than women and for mostly preventable reasons. Movember has typically focused on prostate cancer, but they have broadened their scope to include mental health and men’s health in general, […]

Fun activities to explore this winter!

Get out and have fun in our community this winter! Tourism Nova Scotia just launched the Wintervention campaign to promote local winter tourism and draw attention to the variety of exciting winter activities to explore across our province. Wintervention challenges people to get outside and to embrace the winter season with enticing events, winter sports […]

Provincial funding opportunities: sports and community recreation

Provincial funding opportunities: sports and community recreation

The province provides funding to facilities and community-run rinks and other recreation facilities can access funds to help with capital costs. Information on the upcoming deadlines and program eligibility for the Rink Revitalization Program and the Community Recreation Capital Grant found here.